Representative Cases
- Court Trial on Petition for Writ under CEQA, seeking to stop billionaire from tearing down a historic residential mansion in order to build a modern residential mansion. Dispute arose when Environmental Impact Report concluded that demolition of the existing historic residence would result in significant impact on the cultural resources of the state, and that alternatives were feasible, yet the Town Council adopted a resolution granting a demolition permit. Case presented issue of first impression under CEQA as to whether the refusal of the property owner to update the existing residence, or do anything other than build a new modern residence, makes the alternatives “infeasible”. Also issue of first impression under CEQA on economic feasibility on the basis of cost, where the property owner refused to submit plans for the new residence before tearing down the historic residence. Trial Court decision upheld on appeal.
- Presided over pretrial proceedings and court trial arising from dispute over seawall to protect existing residential homes built along sea cliffs.
- Served for 20 years as designated CEQA Judge for San Mateo County Superior Court.